Appraisal Scope Release Notes

April 10th, 2024

This update contains new functionality for staff users, issue resolutions, and enhancements to various integrations.

CoreLogic Mercury Network Integration
The Enforce Modification Request workflow preferred by some Mercury Network clients requires an AMC to request all client fee, due date, and product changes to be sent as events instead of messages. We made enhancements to the Modification Request modal to help staff users identify previously removed/deleted jobtypes associated with Mercury Network product mapping, including changes made to the assigned client job list. In addition to a callout of the jobtype mapping alert, a tooltip will appear with instructions for the staff user. This solution will allow the workflow to properly account for any deleted jobtypes and preserve them when editing an order that contains one.

CoreLogic Mercury Network Integration
If a Mercury Network client is utilizing Accounting Automation (a Mercury Network feature), they have the option to place orders in a new status, "On Hold Awaiting Payment". This status event is used when the Mercury lender is collecting payment from the borrower, and it alerts the vendor/AMC to pause work until payment has been collected. The integration was enhanced to ingest the new 'On Hold Awaiting Payment' status (201072) and provide a subsequent notification log entry that conveys to the AMC that the order is pending payment by the borrower. Once the borrower payment is collected, the AMC will receive the legacy Resume status (201090) via the integration.

In the previous release, we added new functionality in the Accounting Pending ACH UI that enables staff users to manually intervene ACH payments. In cases where the payment was never processed, or if there was a connection issue with ACHWorks, the ACH Status column was augmented to include a new Unknown status. Orders displaying the Unknown status will inform staff users that any previously pending ACH transactions greater than 6 days ago are no longer in process. Staff users can choose to mark the order as unpaid to attempt reprocessing.

One of our goals is to constantly improve the reliability and performance of the platform. To support that goal, we continued our work to optimize the infrastructure that powers Appraisal Scope.