Make your team's job easier by dialing in their permissions

Did you know Mercury Network is built to allow different members of your team to work side by side without stepping all over each other? We’ve seen an increase in lenders leveraging these options by adding Mercury Network profiles for their review and underwriting team members, plus creating special read-only users whose only purpose is generating reports. What a brilliant use of these functions! Below are some workflow tips based on best practices we’ve seen, and you can click the buttons to see the new step-by-step walkthroughs just added to the Support Center.

These new tutorials have been released along with Mercury Network’s latest update, and you can check the release notes for complete details about recent changes to the platform.

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Create a new user

Setting up a new user is simple, but there are a lot of options. Over 230, actually. That’s a lot of boxes to check, but keep in mind that this granularity allows you to narrow a user’s view and access to only what is relevant for their role. For a user intended to only work on Quality Control, they probably don’t even need to see orders until the vendor has returned an initial copy of the appraisal. By narrowing the list of folders they access, their pipeline immediately shrinks to only orders in some sort of review phase. Additionally, they probably don’t need to do much editing since the appraisal has already been completed, so why risk accidentally clicking on something they shouldn’t? Just take the options away.

It’s also unlikely that anyone other than Admins and Appraisal Desk managers would need to access account-level settings and global options, so it’s probably best to remove the temptation by disabling these permissions. Your team will appreciate the extra care in helping them avoid costly mistakes and keeping their pipeline clean.

Support Center Walkthroughs


QC Reviewers

With QC Reviewers, specifically, we have added a field to help you manage review assignments. The original user assigned to the order can maintain their ownership while also seeing which reviewer is responsible for verifying the quality of the work. For the assigned reviewer, they can easily pick out which appraisals they need to work on according to where the order is in the review process.

Support Center Walkthrough


Action Required folder and My Columns

Don't forget, all users can further customize their view (using the My Columns feature) and even use the Action Required folder to choose the events that trigger action alerts for maximum efficiency! Plus, any user can add a column for Opened By to see if someone currently has your order open.

Support Center Walkthroughs


Read Only users

That view customization—in addition to the ability to export orders—is one of the reasons adding a Read-Only user for reporting purposes has become so popular. To set up a Read-Only user you only have to check 5 little boxes so they can see everything, but touch nothing. This user can change columns, do searches and apply filters over and over again to get the Orders view exactly as they need it before exporting. From what you tell us, you prefer having a dedicated user just for this purpose so you don’t have to reset columns as frequently on your own user profile. Genius!

Support Center Walkthrough


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