Strong passwords now required, sales tax changes coming soon

With this update, strong passwords are now required for new users or when changing a password. There’s also a new option which helps automate fee panel maintenance. Read on for highlights (including upcoming sales tax changes) and see the release notes for details.

Stronger password security

Going forward, when new users are created or when anyone changes their Mercury Network password, they’ll be required to use a strong password. This is part of our ongoing initiative to maintain the highest security for your data in Mercury Network.


As a result, the option in the Account tab to require strong passwords has been removed, since they’ll be required for everyone.

Strong passwords contain at least eight characters which include a combination of at least three of the following: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and a special character.


Automated maintenance in the Fee Panel

There’s now an option in the Fee Panel which will automatically move vendors to your Ineligible list if they remove themselves from your fee panel. This makes it easier to keep your panel clear of vendors who don’t intend to accept your orders.

This new option is directly based on feedback we received from you, so keep your ideas coming!


Sales tax to be charged in more states

Starting November 5, 2018 we’ll begin charging state and local sales tax on Mercury Network transaction fees in eight additional states:

  • Massachusetts

  • Missouri

  • Oklahoma

  • Texas

  • California

  • Florida

  • Georgia

  • Hawaii

Learn more about sales tax charges in our FAQ.